Gematria is an ancient numerological practice, commonly known as Hebrew numerology, which assigns numerical values to words or phrases based on the letters they contain. The way Gematria works is by assigning each letter in an alphabet a numerical value. To find the calculated value of any specific word or phrase, a gematria calculator can be used.
A Gematria calculator is essentially a tool for converting words and phrases into numeric values to uncover hidden meanings, relationships and correspondences between different words. It works by calculating the numerical values assigned to each letter of the alphabet and adding them up. The total of all these numbers gives the numerical value of a certain word/phrase.
For example, in Hebrew letters have assigned values from 1-400 such as Aleph=1, Bet=2, Gimel=3 and so on up to Tav = 400. Let's say you want to know the numerical value of the name "David" which consists of four characters; Dalet (4), Vav (6), Yud (10) and final Mem (40). This can be quickly computed using a Gematria calculator or by hand counting all four characters 4+6+10+40 = 60. Therefore, in this case "David" has a gematric value or 60/ GMLT in Hebrew numerology.
Another type of Gematria are Ayin-Bet numerology which uses only nine characters instead of all twenty-two letters in the Hebrew alphabet; with each of these nine characters carrying their own numeric equivalent - including zero; for instance 'Ayin' equals 0, 'Bet equals 1' and so forth. Using this concept it can be found out that the name David written under Ayin Bet notation would have an equivalent numeric value of 31 (4+6+20+1).
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